CoreNET Solutions
Miloja Pavlovića 9 office 9A
34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

This is a test post

So, if you want to make the Category whose ID number is 6 look different from what it is currently (and different from other Category pages), you would want to create a category-6.php file. If you want to make all Category pages look different from other archive pages (such as date and author archives), then you would want to create or modify the category.php file. If you want to make changes to the look of all archive pages, you can create or modify the archive.php file. And if you modify the index.php file, you will affect your entire blog.

Just Heading 2

  • REST API: The unfiltered_html capability is now respected and rest_base has been added to response objects of wp/v2/taxonomies and wp/v2/types, while get_allowed_query_vars() and the rest_get_post filter have been removed.
  • Roles/Capabilities: Added meta-caps for comment, term, and user meta, which are currently only used in the REST API.
  • I18N: Added the ability to change user’s locale back to site’s locale. (#38632)
  • Custom CSS: Renamed the unfiltered_css meta capability to edit_css and added revisions support to the custom_css post type.
  • Edit shortcuts: Theme authors should take a look at the developer guide to the customizer preview’s visible edit shortcuts and update their themes to take advantage of them if not already implementing selective refresh.
  • Various bug fixes: We’ve made over 50 changes in the last week.