CoreNET Solutions
Miloja Pavlovića 9 office 9A
34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

Category: Misc

PostgreSQL database service issue

PostgreSQL database service issue

How to search tables by column name

select table_name, column_name from information_schema.columns where column_name like ‘%column_name%’;

Muhamed el Horezmi – Algoritam

Mnogi ga smatraju ocem algebre. Osim toga, izraz algoritam, kojim se prvobitno opisivao način računanja decimalnim brojevima, a formulisao ga je Horezmi, preuzet je iz latinske transkripcije njegovog imena.

Cloudflare data center in Belgrade

Where the Sava meets the Danube, Belgrade (Serbia) is home to Cloudflare’s 107th data center. We are especially excited that our expansion takes us to its sister city.

CDN – Content Delivery Network

But what happens if I want to run traffic from Argentina? or South Africa? or Australia and India?

Why You Should Use WordPress?

WordPress is used by millions of people and almost every day new people are joining the WordPress community by creating their first WordPress powered websites

Web Development

Web development is the process of developing websites or webpages hosted on the Internet or intranet.
But what does that look like?

This is a test post

So, if you want to make the Category whose ID number is 6 look different from what it is currently

The Magento Advantage

Why choose Magento? Just ask our customers. The world’s biggest brands love Magento for its flexibility.